Engineering & Construction
Water Reuse
Our experience, dynamism, talent and innovation guarantee the expected results for urban or industrial wastewater treatment, purification and regeneration.
The effects of climate change are becoming more and more visible through water scarcity problems, currently affecting densely populated or arid areas and gradually affecting temperate zones. Some factors that produce water scarcity are agricultural, industrial and even touristic activity.
In Spain, the Royal Decree 1620/2007 of December 7th establishes the regulations for purified water reuse, and it is represented by the following figures:

Water reuse and recycling is becoming every day more necessary and widespread. A proper water regeneration station is essential after water treatment.
Dinotec selects the best processes, systems and equipment for urban, agricultural, industrial, environmental or recreational uses.
Our experience working in golf courses, housing estates and service stations confirms the project’s suitability.

In the comprehensive services business unit, Dinotec offers consulting services for obtaining environmental authorization, and structures the surveillance for complying with this important Royal Decree.