DSince its beginning, DINOTEC (Distribution of Technical Innovation) has always had a vocation for innovation through:
- Contributing to the solution of unsolved problems
- Improving technical and economic performance
Dinotec is one of the Technological Businesses of Andalusia, and currently has several projects underway collaborating with the Andalusian Agency of Research. Additionally, Dinotec has started to certify the Innovation Management System on the UNE 1660002 standard.

Pilot Plant “ETAP-ERN”
This project is financed through Egmasa (the Regional Government of Andalusia’s Environmental Management Company) by the Andalusian Institute of Water.
Dinotec is responsible for the engineering, construction and subsequent commissioning of the plant. In order to purify the water, a team of researchers from the University of Cadiz applied the process known as nanofiltration, which is the latest membrane technology.
The differentiator in this project is the use of renewable energy sources within the water desalination phase, such as solar and wind energy.

Oximax (IDEA Agency – Regional Government of Andalusia)
This project’s objective is the design of an oxygen transfer system in biological reactors intended for wastewater purification.
“OXIMAX” is a technology development pilot project that is primarily seeking a system design to make the oxygen transfer as effective as possible in biological aerobic processes.
Additionally, it seeks the reduction of electricity consumption in water purification treatment plants.
An initial investment cost reduction was reached and afterwards an operating costs reduction.
OXIMAX Project is considering a geometrically different bioreactors system installation in order to experiment with new oxygen transfer designs.
It would reside in an allotted space in the wastewater treatment experimental plant in Carrión de los Céspedes (Seville), which is managed by the Center of New Water Technologies (CENTA) in the Regional Government of Andalusia.

Hydrodynamic Cavitation (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology [CDTI])
This technology is used to treat water from cooling towers and condensers without any chemical substance while guaranteeing security and cleanliness is maintained. As a differentiator in this project, hydrodynamic cavitation technology will be used in order to reduce the organic matter existing in the water and, in that way, continue to decrease the risk of trihalomethanes formation after the chlorination, performed for disinfection.
Furthermore, when organic matter existing in the water is reduced, the amount of chlorine needed for its disinfection will be reduced too.
The synergy is a key element of the innovation projects development. We have established collaboration agreements with private and public entities including: